As you aren't connected to the grid then the reliability of your off-grid power supply is essential. To ensure this we stay clear of poor quality unsupported brands and focus on providing components that are built to last.
To provide an off-grid power solution involves a thorough process to fully understand your current and future power needs, under-sizing a system can leave you without power and reliant upon a generator, oversizing a system is simply expensive. Once we've determined your power requirements then we can design a system to suit, with all of our systems we wire in an auto-start function to start your generator if ever required.
Our systems utilise either SMA or Victron inverters and charge controllers connected to Lithium ion batteries, we offer a variety of panel brands including SunPower, Q Cells and Trina. Our batteries include BYD, Cegassa, GenZ and PowerPlus.
All of our systems are professionally Engineered and installed by fully certified off-grid electricians.
As well as supply off-grid power solutions, we repair and upgrade existing off-grid systems that have been professionally installed.